When most people say they want to lose weight, what they actually mean is that they want to lose fat. You don't want to lose healthy muscle mass, which can happen, if you're not careful with your diet and exercise routine. Here are some ways to make sure that, while looking for a faster way to fat loss, you're doing it healthily.
Incorporate weight training into your routine.
If you only do aerobic exercise, your body may start to break down some of your muscle mass in order to satisfy your energy needs. However, doing weight training will encourage your body to keep its muscle mass and even to develop more muscle. You do not need to lift 100-pound barbells or spend an hour at the bench press. Just spending 20 minutes doing some basic curls, crunches, and squats, a few days a week, can make a huge difference. Or, start attending a basic strength training course at your local gym.
Don't crash diet.
In order to lose weight, you will need to consume fewer calories than you burn. But if you go too far and cut your calorie intake too drastically, your body may break down some of your muscle mass to maintain your energy levels. To ensure you lose mostly fat, eat about 500 calories fewer than you burn each day. In general, you should not consume fewer than 1,200 calories per day. Crash diets that call for only 500 or fewer calories will results in muscle loss, rather than just fat loss.
Limit your carbohydrate intake.
If you do not eat a lot of carbohydrates, your body will become more geared up to burn fat, so you will burn more fat rather than burning up your muscle mass. There are a lot of low-carbohydrate diet plans out there, including the keto diet, which are a good choice when your goal is to burn fat. All in all, if you steer clear of carbohydrate-heavy foods, you should be on the right track.
Eat plenty of protein.
Your body needs protein to maintain your muscle mass, so make sure not to exclude it from your diet. Lean meat, beans, and low-fat dairy are all good sources of protein. Protein shakes are also a good choice; just make sure the one you select is not too high in carbs.
With the tips above, you should have better luck losing fat, while maintaining muscle mass throughout your weight loss journey.